Download the latest kubectl version here:

Get a kube config file

The kube config file is your authentication with the cluster. It has information about the credentials to use and where the Kubernetes cluster is located.

Ask your local friendly administrator for this.

Once you have this file, place it in your local path: ~/.kube/config

Test accessing the cluster

Run this command:

kubectl get pods

Viewing pods

This will list the pods

kubectl get pods

Viewing pods in another namespace. Namespaces are semi isolated areas in the cluster. We are using one “namespace” for each tenent.

kubectl --namespace devops get pods

Getting logs

kubectl get logs <pod name from get pods>

Get a shell in a container

This will start a bash shell in the container

kubectl exec -it <pod name from get pods> bash

Now you can do anything like install a mysql client

root@tomcat-7b9788b887-vfnnm:/usr/local/tomcat# apt-get update && apt-get install -y mysql-client

All of our MySQL RDS has a CNAME and inside of these containers it is simply referred to as: mysql This will resolve to the local namespace’s RDS instance.

mysql -h mysql -u root -p

That will connect you in.

Port forwarding from your local to the cluster


port-forward <pod name from get pods> 8080:8080
kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pod -o=name -lcomponent=… awk -F/ ‘{print $2}’ head -1) PORT

Being able to port forward to a service is coming:

Contact me if you have any questions about this or want to chat, happy to start a dialog or help out: {::nomarkdown}

Learn more about integrating Kubernetes apps
